Hi everyone. Sorry that I've been MIA this month with my posts. I've had a crazy month, being away for one week of February on holiday and last week I returned to work. Baring in mind February is the shortest month of the year, It has gone so fast!
A lot has happened this month as far as Amelie's development is concerned, I think this month I've noticed the most change in her.
Amelie can now sit up unaided, she started showing signs of this last month but now she can stay put for a good 10 minutes without falling over.
She's also getting extremely active with rolling over on to her tummy and can even turn round in circles! I honestly don't think it will be long before she can start to crawl as she's showing such determination and interest in her movements!
She's now very interactive and loves playing and touching her toys. Her favourite is my phone which I think is mainly due to the lights, and she loves to stroke the dog, which Simba is finally getting round to accepting!
She can now wave! My mum and I always joke that she's going to marry Royal as she's developed the "Queens Wave", where she circles her wrists! She also claps when I sing songs to her and she shakes her head when I shake mine or when she hears some music too!
Amelie is due to be measured in the coming weeks so I don't have anything exact, but she started nursery last week (she now goes on Wednesday and Thursday mornings whilst I work) and everyone commented on how light/petite she is.
She still comfortably fits into her 3-6 month clothing, some baby grows are fitting a little snug but her 6-9 month clothing is far too big and saggy!
Sleeping - Amelie's sleep this month has been a lot more disrupted compared to all previous months and I think this is a definite reflection on her teething. When we went on holiday Amelie picked up a cold from the air-conditioned Aeroplane and she spent all week with a runny nose. We have been so blessed with how well she has slept that I don't mind her not sleeping through as much!
Teething - YES! The biggest achievement this month! Amelie has two little toothy-pegs coming through! It's early days, but you can definitely feel them and when she smiles sometimes you can see them. My little girl is growing up!
Speech - Amelie has said "Dada" on a number of occasions. although this isn't directed at Connor, she'll say it if she's feeling particularly vocal and it comes out when she's shouting and cooing (- which is usually at the dog!)
Date nights - Amelie went to stay at Connor's step mums last Friday night so we could go and have a celebratory meal or as Connor put it "the last supper" before I returned to work! We went to "Bella Italia" which is a favourite Italian restaurant of mine and had some nice, scrummy food! We also went on holiday earlier this month to Lanzarote with our friends and their 5 year old daughter and it was so nice to escape the chaos of England and get a bit of winter sunshine!
Goings out - We went out most days in Lanzarote and obviously stayed by the pool etc. Amelie also had her first ice-cream experience! She's now in the routine of being looked after by her nanny (Connor's mum) on a Monday morning, Nursery on Wednesdays and Thursdays & nanny's (Connor's step-mum) on a Friday.
Nursery - She went to nursery for the first time last Thursday and she really enjoyed it. I love that she's interacting with other children and people. She made me a little mothers day card (Or rather drew a scribble aided) and a hand print which now takes pride of place on the fridge in the kitchen, when I picked her up!
Highs this month - Holiday!
Looking forward too? Amelie's crawling (which should hopefully be next month!) and her continual speech development.